Tiredness/Fatigue Profile


Onsite Test £30.00

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Analyses the following

Discover clues in your blood as to why you may be feeling unusually tired or fatigued with this targeted profile.

What can I expect from this Tiredness/Fatigue Profile?

This test is designed to discover clues in your blood as to why you may be feeling unusually tired or fatigued. It will give you information on on several common things that doctors look for in blood tests that may give physical reasons for tiredness. It includes a full blood count and tests for vitamin D, inflammation, iron levels including ferritin and thyroid function tests.

Analysis of 9 essential biomarkers including: Blood Count / Iron levels / Ferritin / Transferrin / Vitamin D / Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) / Free T4 (Throxine)

How do the tests work?

There is no better way to check for underlying health problems, or monitor existing conditions, than with a blood test. From our dedicated, state-of-the-art laboratory in London we offer the latest in pathology testing solutions across many disciplines including biochemistry, immunology, haematology, sexual health screening and molecular biology. 

Whether you are concerned about your health, managing an existing condition or simply curious, a blood test with London Medical Laboratory provides a fast, affordable and easy way to start taking charge of your own health. 

We offer a range of testing options to try and make the process as simple, stress free and convenient as possible. 

  • Home Testing Kits – User-friendly finger-prick self-testing kits sent to you using the Royal Mail 1st Class Tracked postal service
  • In-Store Phlebotomy – For even faster results you can come into one of our stores to have your blood taken by one of our qualified phlebotomists
  • Mobile Phlebotomy – We can even come to you! For added convenience one of our qualified mobile phlebotomists can visit you at home or in your office

You will receive your results on the day after we receive your sample in our laboratory. We run a 24/7 laboratory operation and test all samples as quickly as possible after receiving them which enables our team of in-house GPs to review and communicate your results in the fastest possible timeframe. 

*It is important to note that blood tests alone are not a substitute for seeing a doctor, particularly if you have any symptoms. You should not make a diagnosis or start any treatment without a consultation with a doctor or suitably trained healthcare professional. 

Identifying conditions of this test

Blood Cells (1 Biomarkers)

A full blood count can be used to check your overall health and may help detect a wide range of issues such as infection, anaemia and leukaemia.

Full Blood Count (FBC) provides information about the different cells in the blood, these include the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin which carries oxygen to the different tissues in the body whereas white blood cells control the immune system and protects the body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. FBC testing are used as a screening test for various disorders like anaemia and infections.

Iron Studies (5 Biomarkers)

Iron studies are a set of blood tests used to measure the amount of iron carried in the blood and stored in the bodies tissues. Iron deficiency can be the cause of a wide range of symptoms such as fatigue, chest pains and a shortness of breath.

Iron is a mineral which is needed for making red blood cells, which transports oxygen in the blood, and is important for healthy muscles, bone marrow and organ function. Iron is measured to show the amount of iron in the blood. Low levels of iron can indicate anaemia whereas high levels can indicate liver disease.

Total Iron Binding Concentration (TIBC) is the maximum amount of iron that can be transported in the blood. Iron is used for the transportation of oxygen in the blood. TIBC tests are used to determine iron status and its absorption. This can be used to help diagnose Anaemia and iron overload conditions such as Haemochromatosis. Your TIBC will be impaired if you also have existing liver disease.

Unsaturated Iron Binding Concentration (UIBC) is the amount of transferrin that is reserved for the iron transportation. Iron is used for the transportation of oxygen in the blood. UIBC tests are used to monitor treatment for iron toxicity.

Ferritin is a blood protein that is used to store iron. Iron is used for the transportation of oxygen in the blood. It is measured to understand how much iron the body stores. Ferritin test are used to diagnose anaemia and liver disease.

Transferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein that is produced by the liver. It is used to transport iron which transports oxygen in the blood. Transferrin tests are used to determine iron status and can be used to diagnose anaemia. Transferrin saturation is the value of serum iron divided by the total iron-binding capacity of the available transferrin.

Thyroid (2 Biomarkers)

Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. If your thyroid isn’t functioning properly it can cause tiredness, mood problems and weight issues.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) are made by the pituitary gland in the brain to stimulate the thyroid gland (located by the throat). The hormones that are produced are used to regulate weight, body temperature and muscle strength. Levels of TSH are measured as it is an indicator of thyroid disease and is commonly tested with Free T4 and Free T3.

Free T4 (free thyroxine) is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. This hormone is involved in several body functions including metabolism and growth. It can be used for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism as well as aiding the diagnosis of female infertility problems. Free T4 is commonly tested with Free T3 and TSH.

Vitamin (3 Biomarkers)

Vitamins are a group of substances that our bodies need for normal cell function, growth and development. Vitamin deficiencies can be the cause of a wide range of common symptoms and conditions.

Vitamin D is a vitamin which is used in the regulation of calcium and magnesium absorption from the gut, it is also important for the growth and health of bones. Vitamin D comes from two sources; it can be ingested from foods and supplements or be produced in the skin once it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D tests are used to identify vitamin D deficiency and to monitor diseases that interfere with fat absorption like Crohn’s disease.

Vitamin B12 is a vitamin which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, tissue and cellular repairs and nerve health. It can be found in animal products such as poultry, milk and eggs. Vitamin B12 tests are used to help diagnose the cause of anaemia.

Folate (Vitamin B9) is a vitamin which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, tissue and cellular repairs and is important during pregnancy. It can be found in leafy green vegetables, yeast and citrus fruits. Folate tests are used to help diagnose the cause of anaemia.

How it works

Whether you use a home test or have your sample taken with one of our trained phlebotomists, our blood tests are quick and easy to use.

Take the test

At home, or in one of our
testing locations.

Send us your sample

We provide pre-paid postage for our at home tests.

Receive your results

We provide a secure link to your doctor validated personal results.

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